Download Logo & Fonts

Welcome to Garden Plaza's official brand resource page!
Below, you'll find downloadable versions of our logo and font files.
Please ensure to maintain the integrity of our branding by adhering to the provided guidelines.


Our logo is the face of Garden Plaza and represents our community.
Below are several versions of our logo available for download in multiple formats.

Type Resolution Link
JPG 4000x2000
PNG 4000x2000
SVG 4000x2000
PDF 4000x2000
PDN any


We’ve also provided our official fonts used in the logo, so you can keep your designs
consistent with Garden Plaza’s branding.

Font Name Text Link
Riesling Font
by Bright Ideas
Mighty Ditey NF
by Nick's Fonts
Neue Helvetica Std 65 Medium
by Linotype

Logo Colors

Below, you will find the official colors used in the logo, along with their respective
HEX, RGB, HSL, CMYK, and Pantone values. These details ensure accurate color reproduction
in both digital and print formats. Please refer to the provided color samples when designing
any branded materials to ensure consistency with our brand guidelines.

Color Name Color Code Sample
Dark Cyan HEX #0D6161
RGB(13, 97, 97)
HSL(180, 75%, 21%)
CMYK(87%, 0%, 0%, 62%)
Pantone 7716 C
Jade Green HEX #009247
RGB(0, 146, 71)
HSL(149, 100%, 29%)
CMYK(100%, 0%, 51%, 43%)
Pantone 354 C
RGB(255, 255, 255)
HSL(0, 0%, 100%)
CMYK(0%, 0%, 0%, 0%)
Pantone White
Black HEX #000000
RGB(0, 0, 0)
HSL(0, 0%, 0%)
CMYK(0%, 0%, 0%, 100%)
Pantone Black C