Service Providers

Welcome to the official contractor directory for Garden Plaza. This page is designed to provide our residents with comprehensive information about the contractors who maintain and improve our living space. Transparency and quality are our top priorities, and we believe that knowing who is working in our community enhances both safety and trust.
Garden Plaza Service Providers

Current Listing

We are proud to collaborate with a team of skilled professionals dedicated to maintaining and enhancing our Garden Plaza.
Below are the list of contractors and their informations as at September 2024.
Service Providers Company Name
Managing Agent Landlords Property & Facilities Management
Security Jerai Security
Cleaner Super K Services
Landscape HK Professional Cleaning Service
Swimming Pool & Water Feature Sky Pools
Lift & Escalator MXC Elevator
Parking @ Level P1 Wilson Parking
Podium Café N/A (Open for rent)
Electrical & Chargemen CMS Megatech
Fire Service Fireline Safety Industries
Pest Control Rentokil Initial
Photocopier Tong Kong Office Solutions
Parcel Box Sunway Popbox
Finance Audit Ong & Wong Chartered Accountants